The Blue Moon Meditation

DIY Affiliate Soul Journey
5 min readAug 26, 2023

Hi,Thank You To All New Readers I am Glad You Are Enjoying My Stories. I have finished A Podcast For Harnessing The Energy of the Supermoon BlueMoon on Aug 29/30/31 The Podcast Includes 5 Smaller Bite Size Videos in Which I Give You A Lot of Knowledge And The Preparation Before The Super BlueMoon Reaches It’s Full Power For Manifesting A Desired Outcome.

Blue Moon Preparation and Guided Meditation for Blue Supermoon August 29/30/31 Combination of Five Videos

Video 1

This is Video Number One of a Five Part Video Series Preparation Laws of Universal Energy How to Get On The Right Track by Understanding That there are Laws That Govern The Energy That is Around Us and That We Breath At All Times

Video Contents 00:57 @DIYAffiliateSoulJourney



DIY Affiliate Soul Journey

Hi,@DIYAffiliateSoul Journey on Youtube or thesecret_youtuber TikTok.New Author Blogger and Video Creator. On My Soul Journey