Twin Flame Journey Stop Being Drained of Energy

Unhealthy attachments and Energetic Bonds

DIY Affiliate Soul Journey


Hello Gorgeous Souls thank you all my Loyal Readers and thank you to all my New Readers. I am grateful that you read and clap for my stories. When you leave me a comment I follow the comment back and follow you and read your stories as a way of our collective energy exchange and growth on Medium.

releasing and cutting the unhealthy cords to your Twin Flame to Move On

In this story, I am talking about symbolically removing Only the negative energy cords that are attached from you to your twin flame.

There are 7 stages of the Twin Flame Journey and the 6 th stage is the Surrender and Dissolution Part of the Journey.

In Stage Six, “Surrender and Dissolution” of the twin flame journey, the concept of “cutting the cords” arises. It’s important to understand that this doesn’t necessarily mean a permanent or complete severing of the connection, but rather a releasing of unhealthy attachments and energetic ties.

There comes a time when after you have gone through the first five stages and have either been the Runner or the Chaser while on a Twin Flame Journey, a decision needs to be made to hold on or to let go.

When you are in Union two types of Energy Cords will affect you and your Twin Soul and this is the energetic bond between you and your…



DIY Affiliate Soul Journey

Hi,@DIYAffiliateSoul Journey on Youtube or thesecret_youtuber TikTok.New Author Blogger and Video Creator. On My Soul Journey