Twin Flame vs High-Level Soulmate

Comparison Chart

DIY Affiliate Soul Journey


Hello Gorgeous Souls and welcome to the DIY Affiliate and Collective Soul Journey where I talk about the Twin Flame Journey, Spiritual Awakening, Energy Frequencies, and Vibrations and how these concepts and beliefs fit together to form the Awakening Experience.

There are many stories and many videos that talk about the Twin Flame Journey and its’ uniqueness but what about a High-Level Soulmate? Everyone we cross paths within our life is a soulmate so what is the difference between a Twin Flame or a High-Level Soulmate?

In this story, I am going to answer that very question first explaining what a Twin Flame is and then explaining what a High-Level Soulmate is and the difference between the two of them.

The Purpose of Awakening to a Twin Flame Awakening to a New Belief System

When you go through an Awakening to a Twin Flame this is the beginning of a powerful journey of spiritual growth Self (Soul Discovery) This is the moment in time that your Soul will come online. This happening triggers you to take a deep dive into your subconscious mind leading to knowledge and understanding of your fears, beliefs and behavioural patterns.



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